segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2008

Abraçado a ti

Vou querer que o tempo se arraste
Num abraço apertado contra o tempo.

Querer que o meu peito se esmague no teu
Num movimento que lembre as ondas.

Abrir as mãos e soltar os versos
Rasgar o céu e tocar o sol
Pintar as brisas e ouvir os ventos
Sentir a névoa e beber as brumas.

Hoje vou querer que o tempo se arraste
E ficar, assim, abraçado a ti.

74 Gotas de Chuva:

Menina do Rio disse...

Rasgar o céu e tocar o sol.
Abraçada a ti
colorir os sonhos pela manhã
na cor do mar que sussurra na areia
as vozes do pensamento
e deixar que se arraste o tempo
por quanto tempo existir.
beber na bruma e embriagar-me na ternura desse abraço.

Eu também quero ficar assim

Um beijinho pra ti e tem uma semana perfeita!

Camila disse...

Nossa... me deu uma vontade de abraçar...
Deitar no abraço de alguem!
Meu alguém!

Joice Worm disse...

Hummm... Ainda ontem falei palavras como estas ao meu marido. Estávamos abraçados de uma maneira que se houvesse um detector de auréa corporal, com certeza seria uma só... E falei-lhe da minha sensação de segurança que sentia em seus braços...

Inesinhaa'' disse...

Tao bom ser se abraçado!
e então se for bom ainda melhor!
Amei os seus versos no meu blog!
Assim vou ficar mal habituada!

Beijoca grande

Desnuda disse...

Este abraço é a felicidade eternizada. Lindo!

Beijos com perfume de rosas

Guadalupe Munguia disse...

Golosa que soy, me he dado un atracón de versos contigo. Tenía rato que no pasaba porque pensé que seguías de vacaciones. Es bueno verte tan inspirado como siempre.
Besos mexicanosy gracias por seguir escribiendo tan bellas palabras

Marta Vinhais disse...

E sentir a paixão....
Falar, afagar....tudo num abraço sem fim...
Curioso também falo em abraços no meu post...
Até já
Beijos e abraços

São disse...

Mais um belo poema que descobri neste mundo internético...
Boa semana.

Anónimo disse...

que delicia de poema.

Sombra de Anja disse...

Abraçado por entre as brumas...
Colado a cada solavanco das ondas...
Sim...está lindo.

meus instantes e momentos disse...

muito bom teu poema, lindo, muito bom.
Gostei de vir aqui. Vou voltar com certeza.
Tenha uma ótima semana.

Cláudia Pinho disse...

que doces estes versos!

sonhos disse...

Vou querer que o tempo se arraste e ficar assim.....

Lindo seu texto.


f@ disse...

Que o tempo se arraste no abraço terno como as gotas de água de chuva quando vem lenta ... e o guarda chuva servr de amuleto...
Vou levar teus link para as nuvens
bj das nuvens

Anónimo disse...

Um abracinho sabe sempre bem, quem não gosta?
muito bonito


Dois Rios disse...

Diante de um querer assim o tempo perde as asas e o amor rompe os horizontes. O abraço é uma doce conseqüência.

Beijos meus,

Anónimo disse...

Um sorriso pra ti, seu poema descreveu minha segunda-feira. Abraços e boa semana pra ti...

O empírico disse...

Se arrasta?
Ou se voa?

layla lauar disse...

ah mas este tal de tempo é malvado, justo nas melhores horas que ele se acelera. só se arrasta nas horas mortas, vazias, solitárias...

lindo, lindo poema.

beijos e obrigada pelas palavras gentis.

Vanessa Leonardi disse...

tão bom um abraço

Xinha disse...

Vim abraçar-te sem demoras nem tempo ... ajudar-te a pintar as brisas ... juntos ouviremos os ventos e sebtiremos as nevoas.. tudo, porque és meu Amigo e assim o desejas !!


Ly disse...

Um sussurro de um beijo

Paula Barros disse...

Lindo poema, que me abraça, e me faz sonhar.
Querer um abraço, que de tão distante se vai no tempo.

•.¸¸.ஐJenny Shecter disse...

Um abraço pode nos dar a paz q tanto procuramos...
Um abraço pode curar nossas dores
Um abraço pode curar uma alma!

Lindo texto!

Flor-Gisa disse...

Oi Tudo bem?
Passei por aqui para te deixar um beijo, e te desejar uma linda quarta-feira!
Beijos Gisa

Anónimo disse...

Amei este teu poema.Também quero que o tempo se arraste para ficar abraçada a ti.

mundo azul disse...

...que momento mais feliz!

Adorei o seu poema!

Beijos de luz e o meu carinho...

Eudemim disse...

Às vezes até parece que o tempo pára em abraços assim profundos.
E numa manhã de inverno sabe mesmo bem.

Bjs daqui

MTOCAS disse...

Que delicia !!
que vontade de fazer o mesmo !

obrigada por mais um belo de um poema !


pin gente disse...

desenlaça-me os dedos para que possa escrever um verso de dor.
desabraça-me o corpo para que possa dançar despida na praia.
estou zangada!
não quero pinturas, poemas, nem canções!
quero estar só no meu abraço.
não! não é vazio.
a brisa e a névoa lá estarão para o encher.
e prefiro ficar só para me entender.

um abraço, amigo

desculpa a falta de visitas

Laura Antunes disse...

Lindo, lindo, lindo !!!
Fiquei com os olhos cheios de lágrimas, parecia que alguem me lia por dentro.
Beijo abraçado, Laura

the reason is you disse...

Um abraço... que por vezes faz milagres.

Anónimo disse...

"um abraço apertado contra o tempo"

e ficar...ficar...assim apertadinho

para sentir o aconchego

e senti-lo perto de mim

ficou gravado no meu corpo...
tanta saudade

Carla disse...

...porque esse é o tempo do sentir

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The relative complexities of women's and men's style

Both men and women can feel the difficulties of maintaining their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's style frequently feels a lot easier. Of program, for both sexes, clothes and style choices could be quite as intricate, and there are numerous'trendy'items that can rapidly become fashion faux pas - who can say they often times see people walking around in 70s flames? On the other hand, men's style includes a few staple items which can exist forever - which man is likely to look out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Pick classic cuts, colours and materials and you'll never seem out-of-place.

Why traditional men's style is amazing

The common man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous types for different situations, however they are all common in their quest for a clever, sharp look for the wearer. The great thing about traditional style for men is that it's effortlessly trendy effectively neat. A well-groomed man will almost always appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the design of such apparel. A suit will undoubtedly be worn to work in several careers because of the professional look it affords to the wearer, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Similarly a match will be used to many social events, like a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This extraordinary versatility that allows suits to be used in almost all events is what gives it its eternal advantage and a lasting invest men's fashion.

Contemporary movements in traditional men's fashion

Although basic men's styles can never be changed, it is interesting to note that changes in men's fashion trends have produced certain basic clothes back in fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, specially, has had back a wide-variety of common designs into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress yourself in a classic yet expensive way, placing importance on appearance and acting in a sophisticated method. This tendency for nearly'over-the-top'traditional style for men is apparent from events like the'Tweed Run', where men and girls of all ages clothe themselves in particularly Victorian-style outfit and take to the roads on vintage bikes - with most of the men wearing impeccable mustaches! That is just one of several samples of evidence presenting the resurgence of such variations. There are also numerous sites online which give attention to gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole web sites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in giving articles on classic men's fashion and grooming.

In conclusion, though certain facets of classic men's fashion could be cut back as new developments, the basic clothes that they derive from will never slip out of fashion.

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The organization provides a single [url=]deal gia re[/url] for each functioning day in every single of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon operates as an assurance settlement using ThePoint's platform: if a certain assortment of individuals indication up for the provide, then the offer you becomes available to all if the predetermined minimum is not content, no one will get the offer that functioning day. This lowers risk for stores, who can treat the coupon codes as quantity special discounts as correctly as income advertising tools. Groupon will help make cash by trying to keep approximately half the cash the client pays for the coupon.

For illustration, an $eighty massage could be acquired by the consumer for $forty by signifies of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would break up the $forty. That is, the retailer presents a therapeutic massage valued at $80 and receives all around $twenty from Groupon for it (underneath a fifty%/fifty% crack up). Or, if $240 nicely value of property portray services is bought by the consumer for $fifty by means of Groupon, then the group gets $25 and Groupon retains $25. The consumer will get the therapeutic massage, or the residence painting assist, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they to start with paid out out $forty (or $50) to Groupon. There are specified companies to which Groupon to get started with did not provide you its answers, which includes capturing ranges and strip clubs however, capturing ranges have been showcased on Groupon.

In distinction to classified marketing, the services company does not shell out any upfront value to take part: Groupon collects private info from ready buyers and then contacts only people consumers, largely by every day e-mail, who may possibly possibly be fascinated in a specific merchandise or companies.

Groupon employs a big sum of copywriters who draft descriptions for the provides showcased by digital mail and on the internet web site. Groupon's advertising textual content for the 'deals' has been observed as a contributing aspect to the recognition of the site, that contains a unique combine of thorough straightforward truth-analyzing and witty humor.

Owing to Groupon's business obtaining mainly composed of feminine consumers, the discounts are often focused on the well being, bodily health and splendor marketplaces.

There are feasible difficulties with the company model. For occasion, a productive offer could temporarily swamp a little firm with as nicely a great deal of consumers, jeopardizing a possibility that customers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be enough solution to satisfy the wish. Gap, a large clothes retailer, was in a position to get care of 445,000 coupon codes in a countrywide offer (even though it expert server problems at a single situation), but a scaled-down business could develop to be all of a sudden flooded with clients. one espresso store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an boost in purchasers for a few months, when it bought shut to one,000 Groupons on the a solitary functioning day it was supplied, in accordance to a single particular report. In response to similar issues, Groupon officials level out that 'deal' subscriptions ought to be capped in progress to a practical selection.

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Anónimo disse...

The organization offers 1 specific [url=]mua chung[/url] for every functioning working day in every solitary of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon performs as an assurance deal employing ThePoint's system: if a particular volume of males and females indicator up for the provide you, then the supply gets supplied to all if the predetermined bare minimal is not satisfied, no a solitary receives the deal that day. This minimizes danger for merchants, who can deal with the low cost discount codes as quantity low cost prices as appropriately as merchandise sales advertising instruments. Groupon can make resources by maintaining about 50 % the money the consumer pays for the coupon.

For scenario in point, an $eighty therapeutic massage could be purchased by the consumer for $40 by means of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split up the $40. That is, the retailer offers a therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and receives around $20 from Groupon for it (below a fifty%/fifty% crack up). Or, if $240 price of house portray options is acquired by the client for $fifty via Groupon, then the group receives $twenty five and Groupon retains $twenty five. The customer receives the massage, or the residence painting services, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they at 1st paid out $40 (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are certain companies to which Groupon to begin with did not provide its solutions, this kind of as capturing ranges and strip golf equipment however, capturing ranges have been highlighted on Groupon.

In distinction to labeled advertising and advertising and marketing, the service provider does not spend any upfront benefit to take part: Groupon collects individual details from inclined customers and then contacts only men and women buyers, mainly by working day-to-working day email, who might perhaps be intrigued in a certain items or services.

Groupon employs a big amount of copywriters who draft descriptions for the offers showcased by e-mail and on the internet site. Groupon's advertising and marketing textual content for the 'deals' has been observed as a contributing aspect to the recognition of the website, that consists of a exclusive combine of total basic simple fact-examining and witty humor.

Owing to Groupon's marketplace getting mainly composed of feminine customers, the offers are typically concentrated on the health, health and health and fitness and elegance marketplaces.

There are most likely troubles with the enterprise design. For case in stage, a productive offer could briefly swamp a very small business with as effectively a good deal of buyers, jeopardizing a chance that clientele will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be sufficient merchandise to meet the need. Hole, a massive clothes retailer, was in a placement to deal with 445,000 coupons in a nationwide offer (although it competent server issues at a single level), but a smaller sized organization could grow to be abruptly flooded with shoppers. A single coffee store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an enhance in clients for 3 months, when it presented shut to a single,000 Groupons on the a single day it was offered, according to one report. In response to related problems, Groupon officials stage out that 'deal' subscriptions need to be capped in progress to a reasonably priced variety.

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